Skymesh Portal

Pay your bill, check usage, and view billing statements

Max-Wireless Portal

Pay your bill, check usage, and view billing statements

(937) 339-0389

24/7 Customer Support


Residential Internet

All Residential high speed data connections are designed to meet your needs.  Each connection is engineered, installed, and monitored for quality and reliability.  On the backend, our goal is to deliver the internet directly to you with as low of latency as possible while maintaining a high level of resiliency.  Our network is designed to limit malware and adult content* sites, out of the box, giving you a safer, more secure internet experience.

You Deserve Better!

Switching to Skymesh is easy if you live in our service areas.  Currently, we are in Ohio, Indiana, Virginia, and Montana.  Since our service does not rely on phone or cable lines, Skymesh can deliver fast, reliable, and affordable high speed internet service to local families like yours expediently and efficiently.  Make the switch today!

* Skymesh utilizes a Netflix Open Connect Appliance within our internet exchange point (Ohio-IX) in order to significantly increase video playback to customers who subscribe to Netflix, enabling your devices to play video much faster than our competitors.

** Content filtering can be disabled upon request

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